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PPMA Business Class

  • 09/22/2020
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Zoom
  • 287


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Pest Control in 2021- COVID, Flu, Political Climate, and the Economy.

COVID swiftly spread across the nation making 2020 a challenging year for all businesses and adversely affecting the nation’s collective mental health. Some pest control companies have experienced record growth during the past six months while others saw business decline. Both NPMA and PPMA have been influencing policy throughout the pandemic. How has the association been able to move decision makers during this time? What state and federal programming has helped or potentially hurt the industry? What opportunities or pitfalls may lie ahead. The panelists will look back at the association's engagement, understand our current status, and project what changes may lie ahead.   Please join us for an evening webinar that will highlight insights into the government and economy from the eyes of industry experts.

Copyright 2018 Pennsylvania Pest Management Association.
"Pennsylvania Pest Management Association" is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. 300 North 2nd Street, Suite 1002, Harrisburg, PA 17101
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