Strategic Partnership Program

Currently, the PA Pest Management Association assesses Annual Allied Membership Dues to manufacturers and distributors in accordance with the Membership Year of the July 1 through June 30 of each year. In addition, approximately seven solicitations come to be a vendor at a PA Pest Management Association Sponsored event. To streamline the process for both vendors and the regions of the PA Pest Management Association, one annual fee will be assessed for Allied Members that will open the door for more sponsorship opportunities. 

We invite you to browse the available sponsorship levels and download the Strategic Partnership Form here.

Advertising with PPMA

Advertising Rates for The Inspector
 Inspector is the official newsletter of the Pennsylvania Pest Management Association. It is published electronically on a monthly basis and is sent to over 190 companies within Pennsylvania and into neighboring states.

Ads are printed in color and inserted on the left column of The Inspector. Your camera-ready ad can be submitted by mail or via e-mail to in a JPEG or Bitmap format. We offer these ads on a prepaid basis only for a yearly rate of $350.

In addition to your ad being featured in every electronic version, your ad will also be included in the printed program brochure for the PPMA’s Annual Conference in November.

If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact the PPMA office at (800) 842-9090 or via the above e-mail address.

Advertising Rates for the PPMA Annual Fall Conference
The Pennsylvania Pest Management Association offers exhibit space at its fall annual conference at $325 for the two-day event.  Vendors are provided a six-foot exhibit table, receive a conference registration which allows them to attend any of the seminars, and are included in all meal and refreshment breaks.

Sponsorships are also available at $500 for any of the morning or afternoon breaks.  Your sponsorship for one of these breaks will be acknowledged in the conference’s printed program.

Sponsorship for Division Seminars
The Pennsylvania Pest Management Association membership is divided into four geographical divisions: Eastern, Central, Northeast and Western.  Each division has its own governor and division directors and holds meetings on various dates throughout the year.  For more information on when these meetings are scheduled and opportunities for sponsoring an exhibit, contact the PPMA office at (800) 842-9090.

Copyright 2018 Pennsylvania Pest Management Association.
"Pennsylvania Pest Management Association" is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. 300 North 2nd Street, Suite 1002, Harrisburg, PA 17101
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